Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Indian Removal Act free essay sample

This act called for the government to make treaties that required Native Americans to relocate west. Jackson thought that this policy was â€Å"just and liberal. † He thought the Native Americans would be able to keep their way of life. He was wrong. The Indian Removal Act brought a lot of hardship to the Native Americans. It also forever changed the relationship between whites and Native Americans. Before Jackson passed this act, he gave the Native Americans two choices. The two choices were that they could take on white culture and become citizens of the United States, or they could move to the Western territories and keep their culture. A lot of Southerners approved of the act because they wanted to gain access to the lands that belonged to the Native Americans. They also wanted the gold that was found on the Native Americans’ land. The Native American chiefs signed the act involuntarily. We will write a custom essay sample on The Indian Removal Act or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They were greatly pressured by the American government. This was unfair to the Indians. Congress should have never passed the Indian Removal Act because the Native Americans had the right to live where they lived. The Indian Removal Act led to the Trail of Tears. This was the harsh journey of the Cherokee from their homeland to the west. The Trail of Tears was a harsh journey because about 4,000 Indians died. The land that they lived on belonged to them. Jackson believed that the government had to regulate where the Native Americans could live. When they relocated west, they couldn’t keep their way of life the same. They had to change part of their culture. The further west they went, the more the land changed, and the hardship got worse and worse.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Woman in Black essays

Woman in Black essays 1) What was the play about? (brief synopsis) Mr. Kipps, the protagonist, has engaged a professional actor to help him learn to act out and reveal his play onstage to his family and friends. By the second act, a shy, timid, and nervous Kipps transforms into the superior actor. At this point, the boundary between Kipps' recollection of the incident merges into the reality of the play the audience is viewing. The audience learns that Kipps, as a young lawyer, was assigned to look after the affairs of a deceased Mrs. Drablow. He travels to gloomy and mysteriously silent Crythin-Gifford. He attends Mrs. Drablow's funeral and sees a thin, pale, and sickly woman walking around the graveyard. His curiosity of this vision and the towns peoples extreme secrecy of Mrs. Drablow's history leads him to her house: Eel Marsh House. There are loud and painful noises heard coming from a locked room in what should be an otherwise empty house. He becomes extremely frightened and nervous, but eventually is able to enter into the secret room. The room appears as if someone has recently spent time there- a child. He soon finds out from a local that the boy whose room he had entered was the son of Mrs. Drablow's sister. The boy was taken away from her and she died a hateful and unforgiving person. Kipps finds out that the vision of this ghost has extreme repercussions to the person who sees it. His child and wife die in a freak accident. They are thrown off of a carriage and hit a tree. The baby dies immediately, whereas the wife dies a few weeks later. At this point, the play reconstructs itself to an end and we are brought back to the hired actor and Kipps complementing how the other performs. In Act I, Kipps had told the Actor that he had a surprise for him. The Actor is now immensely impressed with this "surprise." The Actor asks Kipps who the woman in black is and where Kipps found her. Kipps is shocked and...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Autism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Autism - Essay Example No info needed. Trends refer to events that re-occur or are in the process of changing. For example the topic might be talked about repeatedly because of new technologies or awareness of problems or solutions. Prevalence rates might be changing. Solutions might be slowly being implemented. No unfortunately I have no way to check if there were issues noted. Issues often refer to impediments to implementing solutions, such as the costs of diagnostic equipment, insurance coverage problems, resistance to change. The various sources definitely do agree with the issues and trends. The issue of autism is selected as the research topic. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is a body of law which agrees with the trends and issues related to autism.  Was the law the only resource you used? The assignment was to review four specific types of articles that summarized research.   I especially find the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the book Autism and Asperger Syndrome by Uta Frith (Frith , Uta (1991) Autism and Aspergers Syndrome (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) Uta Frith is regarded by many as one of the best developmental psychologists in the UK. She’s associated with University College London’s Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. She’s also considered an authority on the subject of autism. [Good analysis] On the other hand, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is the foremost law in the US regarding disabilities such as autism and is concerned with any type of discrimination which is based on a person’s disability.   There are a few important criteria which help me in evaluating the sources which are to be used. The first stage for a successful evaluation of sources is pre evaluation or screening of the information. Firstly, one needs to be perfectly clear what exact information one is searching for. Information can range from statistics, reasoned arguments and eyewitness reports to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Article review about the core proffesssional values of nursing Research Paper

Article review about the core proffesssional values of nursing - Research Paper Example In addition, in order to increase the output of new nurses into healthcare, many universities have been creating streamlined accelerated programs with greater emphasis being placed on technical skills and nursing sciences. This is creating a difficult time for new nursing students to have cultural integration into the workforce. In order to make this transition more effective, the Hunter- Bellevue School of Nursing, Hunter College of City University of New York explored and provided additional integration of CPNVs, Core Professional Nursing Values, in order to help integrate social attitudes and cultural values into the workforce. Altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity and social justice were focused on. Main Concepts In many regards, altruism is required to be the key motivational source not only for just nurses, but for anyone pursing a career in the healthcare market. It is the care for others without regard for themselves which makes a great healthcare practitioner; however , with greater economic instability, greed and financial security have replaced this respect to altruism in nursing. In the program, instructors focused on introspection and reflection with students in order for students to understand what was the essence of their driving force. It was also noted that students that received additional academic help and counseling were more eager to help others.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Human Resource Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Resource Planning - Essay Example Human resource planning (HRP) is an "information decision making process designed to ensure that enough competent people with appropriate skills are available to perform jobs where and when they will be needed" (Kohl). It is a vital function that includes and supports the corporate strategy, and then deploys the necessary human capital where it is called for in the organization by the strategy. HRP includes the activities like Recruiting, performance appraisal, training and development. Recruiting can be done in planned in two ways- outsourcing or internal recruitment. Internal recruitment can be taken through direct placements from outside or through performance appraisal of exiting staff. Performance appraisals stresses on the skills that will be required for employees to move into higher level positions via promotion, where as training and development efforts need to be designed to provide these skills. 'However HRP during the 1960s and 1970s was about getting the right people at the right time. But in 1980s and 1990s HRP was about managing downsizing and redundancy. But at the beginning of the 21st century HRP appears to be more and more orientated towards dealing with the skill shortages faced by large organizations.' (James) Corporate strategic plans can only be achieved when the organization is staffed with the right kind and number human resources at the right time to offer the necessary skills, knowledge, abilities according to the planned task. Successful planning and handling of Human resource needs can become a competitive advantage or disadvantage to the organization. Having excessive or too few employees create problems for organizations. In general organizations don't tend to keep human resources on bench for three reasons. Human resources are costly; Productive work cannot be performed with unplanned resources; finally non utilization of productive resources results in poor economy, (who other wise would have been engaged in more productive work). On the other side, shortage of Human resource is also not a desirable Practice. For example, a supermarket store during the promotional scheme day requires more sales people than the other days. But when the necessity is wrongly estimated or neglected, it may also result in loss of employee efficiency due to heavy customer service demand. Customers that are waiting in long lines may turn away from the store taking their business elsewhere. Such problems can be reduced or eliminated through effective human resource planning. Also during the cases of divestment practice of unprofitable factories, HRP provides the exact guidelines on whether to divert the staff to the existin g factory or to retrench them completely. Against: As Rothwell (1995) suggests, 'Apart from isolated examples, there has been little research evidence of increased use or of its success. Being inadequate and not matching with other planning systems and lack of structured supporting system results in the failure of human resource planning efforts. There are different perceptions on the purpose of HRP; others have noted: Some perceive it as manpower planning primarily in terms of budgeting to control labor costs; and to other it is a management development technique; and for some other organizations it is a process of HR back ups and replacements for current employees; and also it is perceived as human resources informational system

Friday, November 15, 2019

Zuzanna Zommer Case Study

Zuzanna Zommer Case Study The following essay examines a case study on a young child that was sexually abused and murdered by a known sex offender, and the serious case review that was written on the case. This essay will also discuss the basic legal policies and the frame work of the Children Act 1989, 2004 and Every Child Matters: National Service Framework. It will demonstrate the understanding of the different types of abuse, an understanding of the child protection system and how it applies to the common assessment frame work. Also the importance of working in a child centred manner will be understood. This essay will criticise the different approaches of multi-professional tactics on child protection. It will take a look at the Lord Laming and Munro reports that were put in place between the death of Victoria Climbie and baby P and safeguarding reforms planned to prevent future deaths. Zuzanna Zommer was a 14 year old girl who came to live the United Kingdom with her parents and young bother from Poland. Not long after the move, Zuzanna was sexually abused and murdered by a known sex offender named Michael Clark who lived two doors down from the Zommers. Unknown to the family and his past history, Clark befriended the Zommer family and would go to family barbeques (Brooke 2008). See appendix 1. Statistics show that nearly a quarter of young adults are sexual abused during childhood, in 2010 and 2011 17.727 children under the age of sixteen were sexually abused in England and Wales (NSPCC 2012). Several agencies failed in the case of Zuzanna Zommer (BBC News England 2012) due to failed communication between agencies. Michael Clark moved to Leeds after being released from Hull prison prior to meeting the Zommer. Humberside police failed to provide the public protection agencies in Leeds with enough warning that Clark would be moving to the area (BBC News England 2012). See appendix 2 A serious case review was released in March 2012 on Zuzanna Zommer which states that Clarks childhood was unhappy. His parents divorced when he was three years old and was brought up by his mother and stepfather, of which he witnessed domestic violence with his mother regularly using physical abuse. Clark was bullied at school and then expelled from junior school before going to a school for the deaf (Cocker 2012). See appendix 3 Over the past thirty years, theories of child maltreatment have shifted from single- cause models (e.g. the transgenerational transmission of child maltreatment, which saw children who grew up with abuse becoming abusive adults) to more integrated and multi-faceted perspectives, emphasising instead a number of interacting factors (Azar et al, 1998; Thomas et al, 2003). Research repeatedly suggests that a history of childhood abuse is associated with low educational attainment and poor physical and mental health in adulthood (Gilbert et al, 2009b; Safeguarding and protecting children are supported by a complicated system of legislation, guidance, regulation, and procedures (Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). Within the UK, the Department of Health defines child maltreatment in terms of inflicting harm and/or by failing to act to prevent harm to children (Department of Health, 2006 p26). Significant is not defined in the Act, although it does say that the court should compare the health and development of the child with that which could be reasonably expected of a similar child. So the courts have to decide for themselves what constitutes significant harm by looking at the facts of each individual case (NSPCC factsheet 2012 p2) Within the overall category of child maltreatment, four categories of abuse are traditionally recognised (WHO, 2006) World Health Organisation (2006) Preventing child maltreatment: a guide to taking action and generating evidence. World Health Organization and International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. The abuse towards Zuzanna Zommer took 11 months to result in her death during which the sexual abuse of the child went undetected. [Accessed 25 Feb 2010] Sidebotham et al (2006) observed that a wide range of factors are associated with child maltreatment, with the strongest risks coming from socio-economic deprivation and parental background, including poor mental health. Community-level variables consistently linked to child maltreatment include lack of social support (including the availability of childcare), neighbourhood poverty and the accessibility of alcohol (Coulton et al, 1995; 1999; 2007; Korbin et al, 1998; Molnar et al, 2003). Social factors, such as beliefs about using physical punishment to discipline children and the portrayal of violence and sex in the media may additionally contribute to abusive behaviour towards children (Belsky, 1993; Straus and Mathur, 1996). Belsky, J. (1993) Etiology of child maltreatment: A developmental-ecological analysis. Psychological Bulletin 114: 413-434. Following the death of Victoria Climbie, who was known to the social services and many other agencies within the social sector? Victorias parents stated they had noted that the social worker blames the doctors, front line staff blames the management, mangers blame the council, and the councils blame the government for lack of funding. Response to the fallings were I am poorly managed, not my job, (Laming,2003, evidence 19 February 2002,p97). Lord Laming was invited to carry out an enquiry looking at the situations leading up to Victorias death. His report had a 108 recommendation to safe guard children in the future, this inquiry became known as the Laming Report (Laming 2003). Deryk Mead of Action for Children stated, I do believe that inquiry reports have made a positive difference to the child protection system, and I have every confidence that Lord Lamings report will do so too (Katwala and Ciglerova 2003 p5). However there was some criticism to his report Caroline Abrahams and Debora Lightfoot from the Action for Children stated the report was looking more at the case of Victoria Climbie and not at children in general in regards to child protection (Abraham and Lightfoot 2003). .According to Harry Ferguson, a professor of social work at the University of the West of England, Lamings report focuses too heavily on the implementation of new structures and fails to understand the keen intuition that child protection work demands. (Ferguson 2003 p5) All areas of the UK have policies to safeguard children and young people, to be able to protect them and advertise their general well-being. In 2006 Working Together was re- published on which ideas have been further developed which was again called Working Together to safeguarding Children: A Guide to inter- agency Working to Safeguarding and Promote The Welfare of Children (HM Government 2006). In 2004 England and Wales were the first to deliver the policy frame work Every Child Matters and recognised the five outcome for children and young people. This was a response to the Laming Report (2003) and to safeguarding children (Department of health 2002). From this the Common assessment framework (CAF) was implemented and used when assessing children and familys Suffolk County Council (2012) Every Child Matters was planned to be put in place in 2008, however before it was due to be released the tragic death of baby P happened and the medias response was very critical to all the services involved in his case (Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). The system had failed again baby p there had been over sixty visits with the family different health and social care professional he died after 48h of being in hospital (Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). Criticism has been made regarding Every Child Matters and the Children Act 2004 on what should have been a positive social policy programme, is that it only relates to England. Hilton and Mills (2006) Stated that Every Child matters invades the rights of childrens privacy under article 8 of the European Convention Rights. The loss of space the officer of the Information Commissioner found that children themselves were worried about the invasion of their own privacy (Hilton and Mills 2006). While they create a way of seeing and suggest a way of acting, they also tend to create ways of not seeing, and eliminate the possibility of actions associated with alternative views of the world.(Morgan, 1986, p 202) Other criticism has been made regarding Every Child Matters and the Children Act 2004 on what should have been a positive social policy programme, is that it only relates to England (Hoyle 2012) All areas of the United Kingdom are committed to promoting all areas of the national frame work for young people and children. (Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). There is no separate legislation for child protection but legislation covers childs welfare, including support for children in need and children in need of protection (Lindon 2008). While all parts of the United Kingdom have had some restructuring in recent years to the child protection policy, not much change has been done to the legislation. The children Acts which was put in place the 1980s and 1990s these acts are an intervention in family life to help protect children from abuse and neglect ,and the definition of significant harm and children in need theses have not been amended (Owen,2009) The 1989 Children Act still remains, but the Children act 2004has made some amendments. The Children Act 2004 is primarily about new statutory leadership roles, joint planning and commissioning of childrens services, and how organisation ensure their functions are discharged in a way which safeguards children and promotes the welfare (Owen 2009 p.17). Section eleven enforced agencies that are working with children and young people to safeguard and promote their welfare, another change was that the Child Protection Committees were replaced by Local Safeguarding Boards ((Stafford,Vincent,Parton 2010). In 2010 the Government- commissioned Professor Eileen Munro to evaluate the safe guarding practice one of the recommendation was to ask that the ministers establish a national chief social worker whom will advise minister and that the council should be obliged to ensure sufficient provision such as sure start and other support schemes.(Butler 2010) The report found that safeguarding had indeed become overly dependent on procedures and paperwork, with frontline professionals spending over 60% of their time in front of computer screens(Butler 2010 p4) Munro said: A one-size-fits-all approach is not the right way for child protection services to operate. Top-down government targets and too many forms and procedures are preventing professionals from being able to give children the help they need and assess whether that help has made a difference.( Munro review 2010) Some key weakness were found in with the Munro Review this was from social workers, stating that the review states what is being done but dose not offer the path to a better child protection system in the future? (Parliament 2012). In Conclusion this essay has examined an horrific news report on the sexual abuse and the death of Zuzanna Zommer and the back ground of her perpetrator it has looked at how the system failed to protect her from such an ordeal. It has also

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Devotion in Eudora Weltys A Worn Path :: Worn Path essays

Devotion in A Worn Path In "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty an elderly African American woman named Phoenix Jackson picks a cold December day to make yet another perilous journey to a city to get medicine for her ailing grandson. On the way this ninety-year-old woman faces many obstacles, both natural and man-made. Phoenix draws upon her perseverance and willingness to sacrifice herself to help her throughout her journey, but it is the undying love for her grandson that truly guides and drives her to her final goal. Phoenix Jackson has a seemingly inexhaustible amount of determination. From the moment that she sets out on her trek, she must fight all the challenges that nature has made for her. From the very beginning there is the threat of attack by wild animals and Phoenix shouts "out of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals!" undauntingly challenging them. Phoenix is a very old woman whose aged, fragile body isn't suited to make such a long journey. At one point when she is climbing up a hill, she states that it seems like "there is chains about my feet, time I get this far." And yet she still trudges onward, stopping only once for a short break. On the way down the hill she gets caught in a bush, its thorns tearing at her finest dress. "I in a thorny bush," she exclaims. But she doesn't give up; she stands there untangling herself from the bush, "her fingers busy and intent." After she has overcome this obstacle she faces yet another trial. Across Phoenix's path lies a creek and across the creek lies a log, which substitutes as a bridge. It is hard enough for Phoenix to walk on flat and stable ground, so walking across the log is a dangerous challenge for her. Even though there is a large threat of her falling and badly hurting herself, "she mounted the log and shut her eyes" and crosses to the other side. Next she comes across a barb wire fence, and once again without showing any signs of fear she fords ahea! d crossing that too. Phoenix travels a good portion of the day facing many physical challenges that test her stamina, but the real trials are the physiological ones that she faces as she encounters people along her journey. Devotion in Eudora Welty's A Worn Path :: Worn Path essays Devotion in A Worn Path In "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty an elderly African American woman named Phoenix Jackson picks a cold December day to make yet another perilous journey to a city to get medicine for her ailing grandson. On the way this ninety-year-old woman faces many obstacles, both natural and man-made. Phoenix draws upon her perseverance and willingness to sacrifice herself to help her throughout her journey, but it is the undying love for her grandson that truly guides and drives her to her final goal. Phoenix Jackson has a seemingly inexhaustible amount of determination. From the moment that she sets out on her trek, she must fight all the challenges that nature has made for her. From the very beginning there is the threat of attack by wild animals and Phoenix shouts "out of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals!" undauntingly challenging them. Phoenix is a very old woman whose aged, fragile body isn't suited to make such a long journey. At one point when she is climbing up a hill, she states that it seems like "there is chains about my feet, time I get this far." And yet she still trudges onward, stopping only once for a short break. On the way down the hill she gets caught in a bush, its thorns tearing at her finest dress. "I in a thorny bush," she exclaims. But she doesn't give up; she stands there untangling herself from the bush, "her fingers busy and intent." After she has overcome this obstacle she faces yet another trial. Across Phoenix's path lies a creek and across the creek lies a log, which substitutes as a bridge. It is hard enough for Phoenix to walk on flat and stable ground, so walking across the log is a dangerous challenge for her. Even though there is a large threat of her falling and badly hurting herself, "she mounted the log and shut her eyes" and crosses to the other side. Next she comes across a barb wire fence, and once again without showing any signs of fear she fords ahea! d crossing that too. Phoenix travels a good portion of the day facing many physical challenges that test her stamina, but the real trials are the physiological ones that she faces as she encounters people along her journey.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Joesph Cambell Four Functions of a Mtyh

Seyed Maghloubi (Historical Mythology) Joseph Campbell explains the following four functions of a myth. Its metaphysical function is to awaken us to the mystery and wonder of creation, to open our minds and our senses to an awareness of the mystical â€Å"ground of being,† the source of all phenomena. Its cosmological function is to describe the â€Å"shape† of the cosmos, the universe, our total world, so that the cosmos and all contained within it become vivid and alive for us, infused with meaning and significance; every corner, every rock, hill, stone, and flower has its place and its meaning in the cosmological scheme which the myth provides. Its sociological function is to pass down â€Å"the law,† the moral and ethical codes for people of that culture to follow, and which help define that culture and its prevailing social structure. Its pedagogical function is to lead us through particular rites of passage that define the various significant stages of our lives-from dependency to maturity to old age, and finally, to our deaths, the final passage. The rites of passage bring us into harmony with the â€Å"ground of being† and allow us to make the journey from one stage to another with a sense of comfort and purpose. The mystical experience, the core spiritual journey that envisions God, has always been a tough experience to communicate. Some would say it's impossible to communicate. Others would say that this is the primary function of myth-to find a way to communicate whatever mystical insight has been gained on the journey: an understanding of the mysteries that underlie the universe; an appreciation of its wonders; the sense of awe or rapture experienced. Since these things can't be communicated by direct means, myth speaks in a language of metaphors, of symbols, and symbolic narratives that aren't bound by objective reality. Some believe that the mystical experience is what gives birth to metaphoric language, metaphoric thinking. In our post-Enlightenment western world, we have decidedly turned to science to tell us what the â€Å"shape of the world is. † Originally, however, myth performed this function, explaining the cultural history, religion, class structure, origin, even the origin of the geographical features in the surrounding landscape. A myth describes the shape of the world, and infuses each part of that world with meaning and significance. And though a mythic tale may seem literally false in our world today, it was once considered true, and it still expresses a metaphorical truth. Campbell explains that the sociological function of myth is to support and validate a particular social order. The myth will make it clear who is in charge, what ethical code is appropriate, what the institutional rituals will be. The problem is that these codes are fixed, like the natural order, for all time; they are not subject to change. Our myths, according to Campbell, are seriously outdated. Changing time require new myths, and since our times are changing so very rapidly, the myth-making function can't keep up. As a result, we are practically myth-less. Campbell felt we needed to expand into much more than we presently have. This is the aspect of myth that teaches us how to pass into and live all the differing stages of our lives. Our myths (as religion) give us rituals to live by, rites of passage to accomplish. We learn how to look at the world, at ourselves, from birth till death. Because he felt they were all true, Campbell believed myth could teach us important lessons about how to live.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Letters of Recommendation at Online Universities

Letters of Recommendation at Online Universities Recently a reader asked: My bachelors degree is from an online university. How do I get a letter of recommendation? As a student in an online undergraduate institution, it is likely that you will never meet any of your professors face-to-face. Does that mean that you cant get a letter of recommendation from them? Think of it this way, does your professor have to know what you look like in order to determine whether you are graduate school material? No. All you need are experiences with the faculty member (in class or through advising) that illustrate your competence. That said, it is unquestionably more difficult to get these experiences without face-to-face contact in a traditional college setting. Who to Ask?How do you determine who to ask? Remember that faculty need to know enough about you to write a helpful letter stating that you will do well in grad school. Which faculty have you had the most contact with? Consider what classes youve taken. Have you had a professor more than once? An advisor who you have discussed your coursework with over several semesters? A thesis committee? Did you obtain a high grade for a lengthy and detailed paper? That professor, even if youve only taken one class with him or her, might be a good reference. Look over all of the work that you have submitted. Consider the papers with which you are particularly proud. What feedback did faculty provide? Considering the feedback, do you think this professor might write on your behalf? What If You Cant Find Three Faculty?Three recommendation letters can be hard to come by. You might find, for example, that one faculty member knows you really well, another knows you somewhat, and a third not as well. Graduate schools are familiar with the challenges of online learning but they still expect letters of recommendation that indicate that faculty know who you are, positively evaluate your work, and believe that you are a good candidate for graduate study. Many students who attend online institutions for their undergraduate work find that they can easily obtain a couple of letters but find it hard to identify a third faculty member. In this case consider non-faculty as letter writers. Have you done any work - paid or unpaid - in an area related to your desired field of study? The most helpful letter s are written by knowledgeable professionals in your field who supervise your work. At minimum, identify a supervisor who can write about your work ethic and motivation. Soliciting letters of recommendation is never easy. Never having met your professors in person makes soliciting letters much harder. Online institutions are more popular than ever and continue to grow in numbers. Graduate admissions committees are gaining experience with applicants from online institutions. They are becoming familiar with the challenges that such students face and increasingly understand the difficulties students experience in obtaining letters of recommendation. Dont fret. Youre not the online one in this predicament. Seek a range of letters that illustrate your competence. Ideally all should be written by faculty, but recognize that it may not be possible. Prepare for the possibility by cultivating relationships with professionals whenever you can. As with all aspects of applying to graduate school, begin early.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Linear Regression Statistics and Analysis

Linear Regression Statistics and Analysis Linear regression is a statistical technique that is used to learn more about the relationship between an independent (predictor) variable and a dependent (criterion) variable. When you have more than one independent variable in your analysis, this is referred to as multiple linear regression. In general, regression allows the researcher to ask the general question â€Å"What is the best predictor of†¦?† For example, let say we were studying the causes of obesity, measured by body mass index (BMI). In particular, we wanted to see if the following variables were significant predictors of a person’s BMI: number of fast food meals eaten per week, number of hours of television watched per week, the number of minutes spent exercising per week, and parents’ BMI. Linear regression would be a good methodology for this analysis. The Regression Equation When you are conducting a regression analysis with one independent variable, the regression equation is Y a b*X where Y is the dependent variable, X is the independent variable, a is the constant (or intercept), and b is the slope of the regression line. For example, let’s say that GPA is best predicted by the regression equation 1 0.02*IQ. If a student had an IQ of 130, then, his or her GPA would be 3.6 (1 0.02*130 3.6). When you are conducting a regression analysis in which you have more than one independent variable, the regression equation is Y a b1*X1 b2*X2 †¦ bp*Xp. For example, if we wanted to include more variables to our GPA analysis, such as measures of motivation and self-discipline, we would use this equation. R-Square R-square, also known as the coefficient of determination, is a commonly used statistic to evaluate the model fit of a regression equation. That is, how good are all of your independent variables at predicting your dependent variable? The value of R-square ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 and can be multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage of variance explained. For example, going back to our GPA regression equation with only one independent variable (IQ)†¦Let’s say that our R-square for the equation was 0.4. We could interpret this to mean that 40% of the variance in GPA is explained by IQ. If we then add our other two variables (motivation and self-discipline) and the R-square increases to 0.6, this means that IQ, motivation, and self-discipline together explain 60% of the variance in GPA scores. Regression analyses are typically done using statistical software, such as SPSS or SAS and so the R-square is calculated for you. Interpreting the Regression Coefficients (b) The b coefficients from the equations above represent the strength and direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. If we look at the GPA and IQ equation, 1 0.02*130 3.6, 0.02 is the regression coefficient for the variable IQ. This tells us that the direction of the relationship is positive so that as IQ increases, GPA also increases. If the equation were 1 - 0.02*130 Y, then this would mean that the relationship between IQ and GPA was negative. Assumptions There are several assumptions about the data that must be met in order to conduct a linear regression analysis: Linearity: It is assumed that the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is linear. Though this assumption can never be fully confirmed, looking at a scatterplot of your variables can help make this determination. If a curvature in the relationship is present, you may consider transforming the variables or explicitly allowing for nonlinear components.Normality: It is assumed that the residuals of your variables are normally distributed. That is, the errors in the prediction of the value of Y (the dependent variable) are distributed in a way that approaches the normal curve. You can look at histograms or normal probability plots to inspect the distribution of your variables and their residual values.Independence: It is assumed that the errors in the prediction of the value of Y are all independent of one another (not correlated).Homoscedasticity: It is assumed that the variance around the regression line is the same for all values of the independent variables. Source StatSoft: Electronic Statistics Textbook. (2011).

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business Communication - how to become more effective within the Essay

Business Communication - how to become more effective within the organization - Essay Example These objectives could both be short term as well as long term – both looking to stabilize the working capital of the organization and its different tenets. (Cappelli, 1999) To be effective within a business communication setting, there is a need to have proper and sound policies when it comes to e-mail communication, cross cultural exchange and lastly correct usage of diversification within an organization. E-mails that are sent out in an organization need to be written and sent in a manner which could easily be read and understood by the right mix of audiences that work within an organization. This means that the language used should be readable and easy to interpret. (Jackson, 2007) Any organization would dearly want to have employees who could make out from a variety of different Internet languages, which also brings to light the notion of understanding and comprehending the ‘net lingo’ – the mix of informal Internet language and the common, daily use terms like ‘hey’, ‘u’, ‘f9’ and so on. Cultural differences have been the root cause of the ever-increasing number of issues related with various cultures merged at a single place. It has been going on for a long time and researchers, though trying their best, have not been able to find a suitable remedy for the problem. There are definitely some guidelines attached with the smooth interaction and transfer of cross-cultural issues but they are hard to come by and even harder to implement at the work place, more so if the employees are not that comfortable with the same. (York, 1994) Cross cultural awareness is increased within the companies and its people through effective managers who can bridge the gap between them culturally and socially. It is adopted through extremely viable work styles, cultures and practices within the office work place. Productive relationships between employees result in a better understanding of the business in general and amongst the cross-cultural factions

Friday, November 1, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Tesco PLC and Primarks Capacity Management Essay

Comparative Analysis of Tesco PLC and Primarks Capacity Management - Essay Example n demand, retail service providing companies are faced with a challenge of managing, expanding and planning their capacity to meet increased demand for retail products. In this pursuit of retail capacity management, two main options have been considered by the retailers across the UK. The first option is the expansion of retail floor space by opening up new retail outlets and the second option has been to go online and make use of the omnipresent advantage. Tesco PLC and Primark, both of which are retailing companies, have catered this increase in demand and the challenge of capacity management by focusing on these options. However, it is pertinent to note here that both companies have different challenges to face; Tesco PLC has a large and mature customer segment which needs to be catered, managed and facilitated through conventional and unconventional means. On the other hand, with a comparatively small customer segment, Primark’s aim to build capacity is aimed at increasing customer base, rather than managing or facilitating it. Having taken into consideration the increase in retail customers’ demand, Tesco has considered a paradigm shift in its capacity planning and management. As per the interim report published by the company in company for the year 2012 – 13, the management is focusing more on online retailing rather than increasing physical retail outlets. The possible outcome of this strategy to increase capacity can be the catering of increased demand of the customers and to have a wider reach by nullifying the impact of constraints associated with physical outlets (Tesco PLC, 2012). Having considered the fact that the customers of the company increased significantly, Tesco PLC required a solution for increasing its capacity to manage growing customer... This esay sresses that Tesco PLC has a large and mature customer segment which needs to be catered, managed and facilitated through conventional and unconventional means. On the other hand, with a comparatively small customer segment, Primark’s aim to build capacity is aimed at increasing customer base, rather than managing or facilitating it. Having considered the fact that the customers of the company increased significantly, Tesco PLC required a solution for increasing its capacity to manage growing customer base. Having taken into consideration the increase in retail customers’ demand, Tesco has considered a paradigm shift in its capacity planning and management. This paper makes a conclusion that keeping in view the comparative analysis of Tesco PLC and Primark in this report with regard to their capacity management and initiatives taken in this respect by both of them, it is evident that there is a marked difference between the strategies of both companies. Tesco PLC, having a strong physical presence and large retail floor space in the UK, has been focusing on going online to target a greater customer base. In fact, the management at Tesco PLC is considering reducing its retail space, which will ultimately benefit the company in reducing its operating costs. On the other hand, Primark has persisted with its strategy of increasing retail floor space in the UK and has also planned to carry it forward in the future too.